Category: Current Affairs

Let’s Talk About Periods

By Elise Renkema As you are reading this right now, around 800 million people are on their periods. With so many people experiencing this on a monthly basis, one would expect it to be normalised by now. Yet, there still seem to be taboos surrounding menstruating. This taboo and shame surrounding menstruation has, among other…

Shell vs. Milieudefensie: How To Sue an Oil Giant

by Liam McClain and Jedidja van Boven As climate change becomes a more and more common topic in everyday news, its presence in the legal sphere is also growing. With climate litigation quickly on the rise, certain routes that have never been taken before in courtrooms across the world are being considered. The Netherlands in…

Anti-Vaxxers, Autism, and Social Media

by Mathilde Eon As the daughter of an anesthetist, I grew up with my vaccines being done by my dad, after dinner, in the kitchen (it was totally sanitary, don’t worry). Most of you probably went to the doctor’s practice and got a nice bandage with your favorite cartoon character on it once the injection…

The Hanoi Summit

by Jedidja van Boven On the 27thand 28thof February, the DPRK–USA Hanoi Summit Vietnam took place in the Vietnamese capital. Commonly known as the Hanoi Summit, the thoroughly documented meeting between Kim Jong-Un and Donald Trump marks the second meeting in which the denuclearization of North Korea was on the agenda. Whereas the 2018 meeting…

Drag Queen Fairytales: A Media Phenomenon

by Jedidja van Boven Promoting reading through story time hour and introducing more inclusive programming in American public schools- how to combine the two? The answer is the phenomenon known as Drag Queen Story Hour, an initiative launched in San Francisco in 2015. It invites drag performers to read children’s books in local libraries and…

The Brainless Soldier

By Amée Zoutberg Looking back on 2018, I feel that one of my greatest lessons learnt came about a month after receiving my UCR diploma. Which was great. Really. I painfully discovered that in three years of sacrifice and voluntary enslavement to the academic system (for that sweet, sweet 3.5 GPA), I had in no way…

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