Category: UCR & Local Affairs

Eating Disorders, Unpacked

By Anonymous In recent years eating disorders have gained traction in the media. People are finally beginning to talk about diseases like anorexia nervosa and bulimia. The issue now, however, is that these conditions are so often downplayed as “white girl problems” attributed to teenagers who simply didn’t feel “pretty enough”. But the truth is,…

The Place of Religion

By Kelvin Prosman As long as men have been on the earth, so long has there been a concept of Deity, and accompanying it, religion. To whatever theory of the origin of man you subscribe, this holds true. In the age of cavemen and mammoths there was religion, during the times of the great emperors…

Visit Brussels like a Local

By: Nora Westgeest “Where should I eat in Brussels? What about places to get coffee? And what is the best club to go out?”. Having been brought up near Brussels, I often get asked these questions. Lucky for you, I spent my high school years lounging around all the local hotspots. With the help of…

A Nice Quiet Drink

By Sebastiaan Frankes So, once upon a time you may have thought to yourself: “let’s not go to Elliott tonight”, seeing as someone might have puked all over the stairs again, or simply because you just want a quiet and relaxed night out. Luckily, there are places all over Middelburg for this, if you know…

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