What did the Scottish Referendum achieve? By Dan Hasan Being home to only a handful of Scots and a minority of Brits, it seemed UCR was largely unshaken by the events of the referendum on Thursday 18th September and it is unlikely that the date will go down in history as far as most UCR…
THE INTERNET ON FIRE: Journalists vs. Gamers
By Simon Giesen If you have visited any large forum, image board or social network (such as Reddit, Tumblr or 4chan) over the last month, you will undoubtedly have encountered one of the largest controversies the internet has ever witnessed, involving some of its most (in)famous personalities and celebrities. The event began in August…
With the World in One Hand and a Bolus in the Other
By: Laura van der Laan On November 12, 2014, the whole of Middelburg will gather; the young and the old, the professors and the businessmen, the shop owners and students; all in order to explore a concept that has become increasingly important in our highly industrialized and modern world: sustainability. The term sustainability has been…