In Praise of: Peter Williamson, the Rockabilly Kid

By Eva Jousset
Arts & Culture Section Editor

Peter’s style is reminiscent of the time when men were men and women stayed in the kitchen; it looks like he walked straight out of 1955. If it weren’t for the black iPhone permanently glued to his palm, one might think he fell out of a time machine. Long story short, it looks like he just upped and raided Fonzie’s wardrobe. The kid could be best referred to as a sort of1045185_487564967998787_1489841562_n sartorial minimalist, in the sense that the majority of his wardrobe consists of black articles of clothing. When he makes a public appearance, he can be seen sporting a white t-shirt and dark blue jeans with a single cuff at the ankle. The look is often, if not always completed with the signature black leather jacket and complementary wayfarer sunglasses. All that’s missing is a matching motorcycle. When it comes to music, the kid feeds his soul on post WWII jukebox tunes and Queens of the Stone Age amongst others. He names James Dean and Robert Levon Been (of the band Black Rebel Motorcycle Club) as his main life and style inspiration; all the while following the penchant for dark apparel of the Man in Black himself, Mr. Johnny Cash.

Despite his being German, Peter is very often not on time for anything. People in his entourage have taken to jokingly blaming this on his grooming routine, and more specifically on his hair and the time we all think it takes for him to achieve the perfect “50s do.” He is the walking definition of “fashionably late.” No matter how bad the weather gets or how far into the semester we are, the kid’s hair always maintains its unshakable Alex Turner swagger. In some respects, he can be considered a modern day greaser. Not to be confused with the garden-variety hipster. The kid deserves a brownie: he has successfully brought postwar fashion into the new age without looking like an Elvis impersonator on the Sunset Strip.65606_10201041601868068_1545533357_n

When it comes to the social relevance of such an individual in an age where people willingly amble out of their houses in ill-fitting jeans and UGG boots, it is enlightening to see that there are still people who give a s*** about how they carry themselves when they go out into the world. It is not so much a matter of what others might think on a surface level as it is a form of personal philosophy and ethos that says, despite the times we live in, however dull and mechanical they may be, there is no reason to abandon all sense of self respect and give up on fashion as being more than a purely aesthetic and trivial discipline.

When Peter isn’t spreading words of first world anarchism on shady Internet forums, he can be found playing pool with some hip cats in a local bar or at a rockabilly festival somewhere across the border. For further information on said individual check put together by the kid himself.

Eva Jousset, class of 2014, is a Film and Philosophy major from New York, United States.

2 thoughts on “In Praise of: Peter Williamson, the Rockabilly Kid

  1. Ah, hipster burns my eye-sockets! Make the leather-jacket-instagramming stop!
    And my response to you saying he is not: “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet!” …although excessive amounts of hair gel probably make him smell less than!

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