The Annual UCR Student Film Festival: A Night to Remember

By Merlijn Veltman

The opportunities for film-enthusiasts to explore the film scene in Middelburg are usually limited to the Middelburg Cinema, where one can enjoy art-house and commercial movies for a low price. However, during the last week of April, the Annual Film Festival held by CameRA gently reminds the film-enthusiasts that there are aspiring directors among both the student and regular population of Middelburg, whose movies are worthy of being shown to the general public. The diversity of the movies shown at the festival is enormous, ranging from psycho-thrillers and recreations of old movie styles to movies depicting random creative impulses and try-outs. The quality of these movies is immense and they clearly show the time and effort that went into creating them.

While the Film Festival in previous years was held in the auditorium of the Zeeuwse Bibliotheek, this time the CameRA board has been able to host the Festival in the Cinema Middelburg in the Kloveniersdoelen. This venue is more suited for a movie festival, as the sound system clearly outcompetes the sound system of the Zeeuwse Bibliotheek. Furthermore, the location serves the purpose far better as it looks much more artful and cinematic than the auditorium.

Based upon earlier experiences with the Film Festival, we can expect it to be Middelburg’s own little Cannes. There will be a red carpet for the stars of the evening, promising directors, actors and musicians will crowd the halls of the Kloveniersdoelen, as they will be available for comments and information regarding their music, acting and directing. This is your chance to meet many inspiring figures in the Middelburgian film world, which, although hidden by the lack of festivals, is actually quite vibrant and active.

While the main list of movies to be shown remains a secret, one pearl among them has already been revealed by the CameRA board. This short film, called ‘Eternity’, tells the story of two life-long friends who have been apart for many years and finally find each other again by chance. Now, I do not want to boast but the inspiration for this film originated in one of my compositions, also called ‘Eternity’. The film, created by Juri Ferri and Simon Giesen perfectly portrays my own ideas for the composition, which, originally, was meant to be used in film. A film surely capable of generating emotions, it is one of the must-see shorts of the festival.

Hopefully, this article has given you the inspiration to go to the UCR Student Film Festival. If the promise of a night reminiscent of the Oscars, filled with wonderful adventures on the big screen and completed with beautiful music and fantastic acting cannot convince you to at least check it out, then I do not know what will. The film festival takes place on the 28th of April, at 20.00 p.m. in the Kloveniersdoelen. You can buy your tickets at Eliott in the lunch break, and they are only 2,50 euros. So take some time out, talk to the geniuses behind the films and have fun!

Merlijn Veltman, class of 2016, is a History Major from Rotterdam, the Netherlands.


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