Year: 2015

Stukafest is coming to Middelburg!

By Renske Wienen It is almost there! On the 24th of February, Stukafest will finally arrive in Middelburg.  StuKaFest – an abbreviation of the Dutch ‘Studenten Kamer Festival’, which roughly translates to ‘Student Dorm Festival’ – provides students and citizens of Middelburg with the opportunity to be entertained by up and coming performers, in the…

The Shadow Rise of the New Right in Europe

By Nicholas Rogers Since the beginning of the decade, it has been undeniable observed that political parties with more radical policies than the traditional conservative Right have emerged across Europe. The European Elections of 2014 entrenched this newfound popularity, with anti-European parties winning or making significant gains in Britain, France and Hungary amongst many others….

Album Review: Oscar and the Wolf – Entity

By Eden van der Moere With the rooftops still covered in snow and the cold biting our noses, we almost desperately wish for summer: the dazzling heat, the bright greens of the grass and leaves and, of course, amazing summer plans. These past few weeks, many plans have been made as music festivals all across…

Welcome to Hogwarts!

By Aimah Moiz IntRoweeks have always been exhilarating. But no past IntRoweek could even come close to the Spring IntRoweek 2015 as RASA finally took advantage of Franklin’s Gothic exterior and Theatra’s eerie practice room, and decided to convert the school into Hogwarts for three days. IntRoweek began on Monday, kicking off with a sorting…

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