by Boudica Gast Wildflower – there are wild things around you a tangle of thistles and a web of thorns now you can’t go outside, like the gloom-monger warns well, what do you know? now you can’t get your space to grow between the growing gloom of the claws and the fangs of the…
Don’t Forget Them: Refugees in Middelburg
It has been a while since refugees have been prominent news. Much like any other news, the topic has been put on a backburner, because is anything more important than who Donald Trump has insulted this time?! Evidently not. So in light of this issue’s theme: diversity, I thought it was high time to show…
Tabula Rasa Spring I Print Edition: Diversity
At Tabula Rasa, we decided we wanted to do things just a tiny bit different this Spring semester. That’s why we’re releasing not one, but two full-blown print editions this semester! The first, themed ‘diversity’, will be released in just a few days, while the second is coming your way after the Spring break, featuring…
Three Towns in Zeeland to Visit this Spring
Being stuck in Zeeland for three years can be quite the challenge and I’m sure anyone here takes any possible opportunity to escape the province. Most often this leads to city trips to Amsterdam, Utrecht, Rotterdam, or Ghent (read our city guide here), but why not try something a little closer to home? There are…
Spring Introweek 2016
by Florith Ruigrok and Anneleen van der Meer Although this spring Introweek introduced only a small group of students to UCR, our RASA chair was very clear: we might not think it is a big deal, but for the people joining our community, it most certainly is. So full of energy and good intentions, we…