“It’s On Us”: Opening Up the Conversation

By Florentina Mion

Is it true men cannot get raped? Does it count as rape when you only use hands? Is there a way to get STD’s from gay sex? Can you really get pregnant from a toilet seat?

These might just be some of the questions that float around in the average student’s mind when they think about the juicy topic that is sex. The Tabula Rasa Sex Survey conducted in earlier this semester definitely showed us some interesting facts about our very sexy campus. A total of 427 students filled out this survey, which is a huge amount. As the survey also mentioned, issues such as sexual assault, sexual harassment, and sexual health in general, are definitely topics that should be discussed in a more open and communicative manner.

A new UCR student initiative is aiming to do just that! Sexual Education UCR, or SexEd for short, is a new project aimed at starting a conversation about the more difficult themes surrounding sex. With a focus on creating a better and safer campus environment, the initiative tries to address the serious issues of sexual consent and sexual harassment mainly by providing information on these usually shied away from topics. SexEd is currently doing an abundance of research in collaboration with, for example, appropriate parties at UCR, the GGD (Dutch health institution), and the police, to set up a webpage on the RASA website that will give students the possibility to look up all sorts of information with regards to sexual education.

Ever wondered where you can get tested for an STD in Middelburg? Do you want to know all about contraceptives? Or do you have a more serious question or had a bad experience and want to know what your options are as far as pursuing the matter within RASA or the UCR (legal) system? Then this webpage will be able to give you all the answers!

SexEd will begin now, by starting an anti-sexual assault campaign at UCR. “It’s On Us” is an American pledging campaign and is aimed at stopping sexual assault but also at trying to make people realise that even as bystanders they can do something about it. SexEd has tried to reach out to appropriate parties at UCR and within the RASA community who were willing to pledge and commit to making the student bubble a more free, open, and less hostile environment and who were willing to take a stance against sexual assault. Please feel free to help this cause by pledging for the “It’s On Us” campaign on their website (www.itsonus.org). If you want to contribute to making UCR a safer place then visit the SexEd Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/seucr) and keep up to date with this initiative.

A great start is being made with taking the pledges and the SexEd team hopes to have the webpage done before the end of the semester. For next semester the focus will be put more on student training and (student-led) events or activities that are aimed at opening up the conversation. Moreover, the SexEd team will work closely together with the RASA board to organise some sort of event during the coming intRoduction weeks to make sure all new students are introduced to a safe, sexual assault free UCR.

Do you feel you want to contribute to this cause? Get in touch with the SexEd team by sending an email to [email protected].


Florentina Mion, class of 2016, is an Arts and Humanities major from the Netherlands.

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