Category: Arts & Culture

Pirates of the Cinematic

An account of the influence of piracy on The Hateful Eight and The Revenant By Bram Medelli Most UCR students would answer “no” if they got asked whether they regularly steal. Yet, I am pretty sure a large chunk of the student population regularly pirates movies or uses PopcornTime. Obviously, it is not physically stealing…

Catwalk exposition at the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam

By Eden van der Moere It is a strange thought: dresses, coats and skirts from different centuries stored neatly in archives. No one has seen these items for decades and no one has worn them for perhaps even centuries. For the exposition “Catwalk”, the Rijksmuseum brushed off an impressive collection of fashion items, which can now…

Hans Zimmer on Tour

A Night of Epic Proportions By Steven van de Graaf Last Thursday, after a lengthy journey to Brussels and a Belgian waffle for dinner, the moment I had been waiting for had come; Hans Zimmer on Tour. The critically acclaimed composer behind the scores of The Lion King, Gladiator, Inception, and Interstellar, just to name…

Fan v Critic: Tease of Justice

A review of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016) By Bram Medelli At long last, DC’s epic Trinity has shared the big screen in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016). Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman stand together to face a threat big enough to unite them as director Zack Snyder lays the groundwork…

Stukafest 2016: A Festival Review

By Eden van der Moere 2016 marks the three year anniversary of Stukafest, a performing arts festival hosted by students, in their own houses. Between beer crates and dirty socks, upcoming artists perform their tracks. Last Tuesday, I went to the Stukafest in Middelburg, where I visited little concerts performed in the students’ houses of my…

“Ex-Machina” (2015)

By Bram Medelli The movie season of 2015 was filled with movies about Artificial Intelligence (AI). Moviegoers could enjoy Chappie, Avengers: Age of Ultron and Ex Machina. Each of them with their own particular qualities. District 9 director Neill Blomkamp released yet another exciting movie about larger themes in society with his Chappie. Avengers: Age…

“Spectre” (2015)

Bond with the latest and (perhaps) best installment of the franchise By Eden van der Moere I’m not really a true James Bond fan. I’m more a “new” James Bond fan. Ever since Sam Mendes rebooted the franchise in 2006 with “Casino Royale”, I have immensely enjoyed Bond films. Daniel Craig in a suit, truly…

“The Scorch Trials” (2015)

A-maze-ing or a total crank? by Kirsten Kapteijns AFTER a year of waiting, the time was here; the second instalment of “The Maze Runner” series was re-leased. Cinematically, the success they achieved with “The Maze Runner” is seen through the quality of the set of “The Scorch Trials”. The film is visually appealing and stylized…

EDITORS’ “In Dream”

Perfectly minimalistic and incredibly complex by Eden van der Moere September and October were some very fruitful months for my music collection. Almost every week, a new album that I had been waiting for was released, such as Ryan Adams’ 1989, CHVRCHES’ Every Open Eye and Lana Del Rey’s Honeymoon. But this album, is an…

The Elliott Food Team

How fridges and Chilling Chickens became part of daily life by Tessa van Hoorn “CHILLING Chicken”, “Healthy Hummus”, “Mag-nificent Mozzarella” and more; these are not ways to teach children some-thing about either food or linguistics (alliteration awesomeness), but are some of the heroes of the Elliott Food Team. They have become part of my daily…

The Death of a God

By Zoë Goldsborough The theme of the Fall Introweek 2015, Greek gods and heroes, was one of epic proportions. Gods especially are usually associated with a certain greatness as well as knowledge and abilities that are bigger than life itself. Based on the title and sheer thickness of the novel, Neil Gaiman’s American Gods appears…

Media Literacy Alphabet – Part II

by Salem Saberhagen and Hamster N – Netflix Netflix is the favourite website of many, many people. Films, TV series and documentaries are only one mouse click away. It is that easy. Some might argue that it is too easy, because it makes it harder to stay away from Frozen and House of Cards and…

The Media Smokescreen in Baltimore

By Mr. Abuelito The United States has been on fire recently. After several police incidents throughout the country, from Miami to Ferguson, Baltimore is America’s latest inferno. The city is portrayed in the media as a place riddled by riots and excessive police enforcement, as African Americans are protesting against the racial segregation that still…

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