Day: May 3, 2018

Fishermen and Chinese Wisdom

A Galeophobe’s Account of ‘Jaws’ By Jedidja ‘Jay’ van Boven Here’s me, not naked but afraid nevertheless, presented to you in three bite-size tidbits that cover my personality, as well as some inevitable tangents about peanut butter, Sun Tzu, and the odd smattering of small dogs. One: I am scared of nearly everything. Now, I…

Fish, Not Drugs

By Amée Zoutberg It’s a slow Sunday afternoon. I decide I feel like doing something nice, and what is more nice to do than to buy some postcards to send to your grandmothers?  In a shop near the center I find some colourful, Middelburg-themed postcards that are not too tacky and not too touristy. One…

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