By Marije Huging When at home, I often admire my dogs, who nap approximately 12 to 14 hours a day, with a sense of jealousy. With no immediate dangers surrounding them, the animals manage to relax and be comfortable 50 % of their day- whilst me, on the other hand, cannot exactly say the same…
I Love Lube and You Should too
By Arya Mehta I won’t lie, I have a lot of deadlines for Monday and I have quite some exciting things happening in my life, but I did want to give you guys a good article. My opinion this week: SEXUALLY ACTIVE PEOPLE SHOULD TRY USING LUBE. The use of lube can literally transform your…
My Take on Political Correctness at UCR
By Junghyun Song Disclaimer: The following article is strongly opinionated and is entirely based on my personal experience, and does not speak on behalf of anyone or Tabula Rasa. We live in a politically correct culture. Political correctness is a term used to describe attempts to speak in a way that minimizes offenses in regards…
The Eating Disorder That No One Talks About
By Anna Szczełkun The first time that I heard about it, it was in a random YouTube vlog. The information itself wasn’t the topic of the video, it was entangled somewhere in the middle of the vlog between some kitchen advice and a description of what the YouTuber did that day. But it caught my…