Andra Dols for Elliott Facility Manager

By Becci Fobbe

Andra Dols: she is tall, blond & Dutch. Is she an Artschool-type of student? Definitely! But surely, Andra is more than that – most importantly for now: she is a candidate for the Elliott Facility Manager position. And here she is, sitting on my red chair, ready to tell why our readers should vote for someone majoring in anthropology and sociology and doing a minor in art history, to be the next person responsible for paper towels in the Elliott bathrooms and hooks for our coats.


‘Elliott is something different, something more special compared to other boards, it is a real company’, she tells me with excitement. ‘It is young and new, with space for improvement and change that I would love to be a part of’.


This wish does not come out of the blue. Andra has been the Chair of the Interior Design Team this year, coordinating fifteen students to make Elliott a cozier, more colorful place. You have all seen the freshly painted bar in the basement, but do you know that meeting rooms are being worked on now (of which one is ready for use) as well? Andra was able to ‘see Elliott from a different angle’, since she spent a lot of her free time working in Elliott, and decided she wants to be even more involved.


Through her close work with the current facility manager, Andra got good insight of what the job entails, and her choice for which general board position she wanted to run for was rather easy. ‘I liked working in and on this place, and I was sure I wanted to run for Elliott. I am creative, I like doing things with my hands, and the position of Facility Manager gives me exactly this opportunity’. Looking at her past, she is not making this up: Andra studied Fine Arts at the Utrecht School of Arts. ‘I just love making things, being handy and I can even weld!’


Does she have any ideas for improving our young Elliott? ‘I want a lot of student input. It is OUR common house’, she tells me. Therefore she would definitely continue with a form of Interior Design Team. But additionally, she is also aiming for practical things such as reorganizing all the storage rooms and keeping up the good contact with companies such as the fire department. Most importantly, she says: ‘Elliott needs to be more of a home. Everything is operational, so now it is time to turn it into something really special!’

If you feel like Andra would be a good representation for your common house, do not forget to go to the upcoming Election GA next Tuesday and vote for her!



Becci Fobbe, from Büdingen, Germany. Class of 2016, Major in Politics and Law


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