Category: Current Affairs

The French Elections: What You Need To Know

2017 has been a year of feared elections. After the American elections and Brexit, the European elections were expected to be a battle between the established power and the far-right movements. And so far, it has been. The Dutch elections last month were the first in a series of feared elections, and many were relieved…

Flash #8: Floodings, Legs, and Triggers

After a well-deserved Spring Break, Tabula Rasa is back with your weekly coverage of news you might have missed being responsible students. Russian opposition leader in jail Alexei Navalny has been sentenced to 15 days in jail following the Sunday protests against the corruption in the Russian government. The protests were sparked by a report…

Professional Journalism Legging It

  Last Monday, British Prime Minister Theresa May signed article 50 of the Lisbon treaty, which starts the ball rolling for Brexit. You would think that this would be the most important news story in British newspapers this week – but no. The Daily Mail decided to run with a story on Tuesday which is…

Women’s March Amsterdam

By Joëlle Koorneef This Saturday, the 11th of March, the Women’s March on Amsterdam will take place. Go to the Women’s March to hear other people’s stories. Go to understand that we are all there for different reasons, with different backgrounds and different demands. If you think you know who is a ‘woman’, think again….

Fake News And Alternative Facts

The concept of ‘fake news’ has been in the public eye in the US since the news broke that during the 2016 elections, various websites have been sharing fabricated articles critical of Hillary Clinton and supportive of Donald Trump. However, the term was soon picked up by Trump’s team and supporters to refer to any…

An Interview With Wouter Meijer: “Sports, royalty and a little bit of sex before the weather”

By Mijke van Leersum On the 22nd of February, Professor Luscombe’s students in the Capstone-course Comparative Media (CAP 317) got to conduct a skype-interview with Wouter Meijer, a reporter with the NOS (the Dutch public broadcast corporation) who was stationed as a foreign correspondent in Berlin from 2008 until 2014. Ever since he moved back,…

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