Tag: elections

Demented Democracy

by Hanna Zelma Horányi A bit of context: On April 4, parliamentary elections were held in Hungary. Fidesz, the governing party won in a landslide. On the same day, there was also a referendum which was often regarded as homo- and transphobic. (I’m adding often because a. as far as the government is concerned, it…

Dear International Students

By Tallie Nikitchyuk   Hey international students! You, yes, you. Where are you on the election posters? Why aren’t you seeing yourselves welcoming our newbies in an over-the-top Introweek costume, saving the academic day in a crisp blue blazer, serving up delicious food and drinks in the purple heart of our community, or sharing the…

Bit Bored? Big Board. (part 2)

By Luna Erica In the first article of this short series, we discussed the general technicalities of the different boards and their elections. In this second half, we hear the boards’ stories about motivation, skills, and social life during their board years. Six members of current big boards have shared their experiences to be broadcast…

The PoLaw European Election Debate: A Successful Evening of Critical Thinking and Political Discussion

by Amélie Snijders On Thursday evening, the 25th of April, the political and law society of UCR (PoLaw) invited five candidates for the European elections to come and defend their party’s views. The debate was a mix of cultural values and freedoms with a critical but enthusiastic audience. The event was an impressive display of what student…

To Run or not to Run?

By Sara Bartl Election season is approaching, and some might wonder if running is worth the effort. We asked a few students about their ‘big board’ experiences. What they expected, what they got, and if they would run again. Maike de Haas, HAC When I tell people that I am the Secretary of the Housing…

The French Elections: What You Need To Know

2017 has been a year of feared elections. After the American elections and Brexit, the European elections were expected to be a battle between the established power and the far-right movements. And so far, it has been. The Dutch elections last month were the first in a series of feared elections, and many were relieved…

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