Tag: mieke pressley


By Mieke Pressley There is something undeniably calming and peaceful about roaming about an exhibition; taking in a painting’s many colors, turning about a sculpture or grasping at straws, attempting to find the hidden meaning behind an abstract work. What better way, then, to take a break from studying during this busy weekend than to…

I AM (not) A FRAUD

By Mieke Pressley   This past semester I tackled a third year’s biggest obstacle in the road to graduation: writing my bachelor thesis. During this (very long) process of crafting the thesis, I found the same question, or some variation on the theme, lingering in the little corner of my mind. At first, a small…

Houses vs Hallways

By Mieke Pressley It seems to have become a recurring theme: every summer, Bagijnhof residents are seen packing their belongings. With a lot of swearing and struggling they attempt to maneuver their furniture down the narrow Bagijnhof staircases. As a student living in Bagijnhof myself, this yearly trend does not go unnoticed. Since I first…

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