By Amélie Snijders and Mieke Pressley Acquiring a university degree has never been a simple task. It inevitably goes hand in hand with many hours of hard work and the occasional unhappiness about having to spend this time on studying, writing a paper or preparing for a presentation. Recently, however, there appears to be an…
By Mieke Pressley There is something undeniably calming and peaceful about roaming about an exhibition; taking in a painting’s many colors, turning about a sculpture or grasping at straws, attempting to find the hidden meaning behind an abstract work. What better way, then, to take a break from studying during this busy weekend than to…
Evening of the Tiny Stage
By Mieke Pressley Every once in a while, I have to stop and stand in awe of all the incredible talent you can find at our university. People here are often so multi-talented, and furthermore, also so humble about it, that you cannot help but be impressed. It was with this talent in mind, that…
A ‘Reviewflection’ of Stukafest
By Liam McClain, Aron van Os and Mieke Pressley Another edition of the student-oriented culture festival Stukafest has come and gone. Once again, we were treated to a variety of artistic performances on a small, intimate level. Give-or-take a week after the festival seems like a perfect time to reflect on some of the acts…
Stukafest Middelburg 2019: Cultural Performances in Our Own Rooms
By Mieke Pressley Two weeks of the semester have already passed by, and I don’t know about you, but, boy, it sure felt like a month to me. It was a slow start to the semester, struggling to get back into the rhythm of classes, readings, extracurriculars and the UCR social life. I, for one,…
I AM (not) A FRAUD
By Mieke Pressley This past semester I tackled a third year’s biggest obstacle in the road to graduation: writing my bachelor thesis. During this (very long) process of crafting the thesis, I found the same question, or some variation on the theme, lingering in the little corner of my mind. At first, a small…
About the HAC Christmas Market: Bringing the December Festivities to our Front Door
By Mieke Pressley The end of the semester is drawing near. Before long, we’ll all be dressing up in our best clothes for the Christmas Gala, before splitting ways for our well-deserved Winter Break. But before that, there is one penultimate event to keep an eye out for. An event that brings all the coziness…
First 10 weeks out of 90: A B8-Talk with our Latest Members
By Mieke Pressley At the start of the movie The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Charlie walks into his high school, counting the numbers of schooldays until he graduates. Our time at UCR can be measured in a similar way (although, granted, UCR is neither a high school nor as hellish as Charlie imagines high…
Houses vs Hallways
By Mieke Pressley It seems to have become a recurring theme: every summer, Bagijnhof residents are seen packing their belongings. With a lot of swearing and struggling they attempt to maneuver their furniture down the narrow Bagijnhof staircases. As a student living in Bagijnhof myself, this yearly trend does not go unnoticed. Since I first…
I AM BOTH: The Personal, Political and Psychological Aspects of Being a Dual Citizen
By Mieke Pressley Growing up in Europe as a Belgian-American, I was often asked: “But are you really American?” or “Why do you sound so American?” My answer – “Well, yes, I am a US citizen,”—would be brushed off with a shrug; to my skeptical Flemish classmates I was an imposter, a Yankee wannabe. When…